Friday 7 June 2013

Woman Gives Up Eating in Favor of a Strict Diet of Sunlight

Sixty-five-year-old Navene Shine has decided that it is perectly possible to live on sunshine all washed down, of course, with plenty of water. A firm believer in the Breatharian Diet, she has not eaten solid food since May 30th.

Living on Sunshine: Navene Shine
Exponents of Breatharianism believe that sunlight provides all the nourishment the body needs. Sadly none of  many thousands of people who are starving in Africa have come forward to back up this theory and all of the western world practitioners who managed to find the will power to stick with the Breatharian diet are now dead.

Mrs. Shine, who has been sharing her experience via Facebook and YouTube, and has set up eight cameras around her home to track her progress, admits that her new diet has not been easy. She occasionally gets twinges of something that ‘feels like hunger ‘ and has been constipated, and claims to feel short of energy.  She also says she has suffered from nausea.

So far she has lost more than six inches from her belly and has dropped from a weight of 159lbs to 130lbs and on her 30th day of the diet she wrote:
‘I have the feeling that my body has reached a point where it has used up all its stored fats and is now looking around for what next to consume.’

If someone doesn’t get her on a sunbed pretty soon the old dear may well starve to death, but she is one lady who knows what she wants out life and appears to be ready to fight to the death to get it.

More on this story from the Mail Online