Saturday 18 May 2013

Dental Visit Results in Amazing Weight Loss

Four years ago Denise Petty sat in the dentist's chair, but instead of a dental checkup she had a life changing experience. Denise weighed a hefty 36 stone and the dentist's chair was unable to lift her. The embarrassment of the experience, couple with the realization that, if she did not take action and diminish her weight, she would be lucky to survive to the end of the year, provided Denise with the necessary encouragement to lose and incredible 21 stone in 4 years.

Denise had been aware of the severity of her problem long before her Dental chair disgrace and had even picked up the courage to discuss the matter with her GP, who warned her she was morbidly obese. But even the worrying words of her GP failed to move Denise enough to make her try and remove some of her excess baggage.

Advanced Health LTDAt 42-years-old she was unable to walk father than 20 yards. A fact made all the more alarming by the fact she was employed as a health care assistant. Talking the talk was one thing, and being unable to walk the walk was setting a very poor example, but she still lacked the necessary fat-busting motivation until the straining dental chair finally forced her to face facts and stop stuffing her face.

In 2009 Denise was garbed in tent-like size 34 dresses; now she is a much healthier size 14 and happily states, “It’s about smaller portion sizes and about moderating what you eat