About five weeks ago I began my investigation of the supposedly paid to read site ReadBud.com. After I had read several articles like this one I began to believe that ReadBud was just yet another of the many internet scam sites that promises to payout, but never do so.
A lot of people report that the site initially provided them with enough articles to accrue a little over $1 a day in their ReadBud account. Then when they reached a balance of $30 they were given less articles, in many cases, were only accruing 20 cents a day. The ReadBud users then persevered with the site until they reached the $50 payout threshold. Sadly ReadBud never paid out.
So far my experiences with ReadBud are exactly the same as those I have read about. In the beginning I was getting an average of 15 to 20 articles a day and accruing $1.00 to $1.30. Then when the balance of my ReadBud account reached the magic £30.00 mark it was as if a switch had been thrown, the results were instant, and I now receive an average of only 6 articles a day, which only allows me to accrue about 30 cents a day. Of course this means nothing anyway because I am absolutely convinced that ReadBud is a scam and that they do not have any intention of paying their users anyway.
I shall continue to read and rate articles at ReadBud until I reach their payout threshold of $50. At this rate it will take a very long time, but at least I will not be wasting too much of my time rating their articles. I will write an update when I reach $50 and if and when they do not pay me I will also, very gladly, post another update. If you are reading this article because you are considering joining ReadBud in order to make a little extra money I would advise against it. Time is money, so why waste the one when it is unlikely that you will ever get the other? I can, however, vouch for the integrity of the Triond writing site. Triond has a payment threshold of just 50 cents, they pay me every month and the articles that I have written for them should continue to generate revenue for the rest of my life. HubPages is also a genuine site, but it can take a lot longer to receive any payment from them because the revenue is generated through Adsense and Google Adsense has a minimum payment threshold of $100.